Brownian Dynamics ----------------- In the limit of high friction, stochastic dynamics reduces to Brownian dynamics, also called position Langevin dynamics. This applies to over-damped systems, *i.e.* systems in which the inertia effects are negligible. The equation is .. math:: {{\mbox{d}}\mathbf{r}_i \over {\mbox{d}}t} = \frac{1}{\gamma_i} \mathbf{F}_i(\mathbf{r}) + {\stackrel{\circ}{\mathbf{r}}}_i :label: eqnbrowniandyn where :math:`\gamma_i` is the friction coefficient :math:`[\mbox{amu/ps}]` and :math:`{\stackrel{\circ}{\mathbf{r}}}_i\!\!(t)` is a noise process with :math:`\langle {\stackrel{\circ}{r}}_i\!\!(t) {\stackrel{\circ}{r}}_j\!\!(t+s) \rangle = 2 \delta(s) \delta_{ij} k_B T / \gamma_i`. In |Gromacs| the equations are integrated with a simple, explicit scheme .. math:: \mathbf{r}_i(t+\Delta t) = \mathbf{r}_i(t) + {\Delta t \over \gamma_i} \mathbf{F}_i(\mathbf{r}(t)) + \sqrt{2 k_B T {\Delta t \over \gamma_i}}\, {\mathbf{r}^G}_i, :label: eqnbrowniandynint where :math:`{\mathbf{r}^G}_i` is Gaussian distributed noise with :math:`\mu = 0`, :math:`\sigma = 1`. The friction coefficients :math:`\gamma_i` can be chosen the same for all particles or as :math:`\gamma_i = m_i\,\gamma_i`, where the friction constants :math:`\gamma_i` can be different for different groups of atoms. Because the system is assumed to be over-damped, large timesteps can be used. LINCS should be used for the constraints since SHAKE will not converge for large atomic displacements. BD is an option of the :ref:`mdrun <gmx mdrun>` program.