File formats ------------ .. _topfile: Topology file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The topology file is built following the |Gromacs| specification for a molecular topology. A :ref:`top` file can be generated by :ref:`pdb2gmx <gmx pdb2gmx>`. All possible entries in the topology file are listed in :numref:`Tables %s <tab-topfile1>` and :numref:`%s <tab-topfile2>`. Also tabulated are: all the units of the parameters, which interactions can be perturbed for free energy calculations, which bonded interactions are used by :ref:`grompp <gmx grompp>` for generating exclusions, and which bonded interactions can be converted to constraints by :ref:`grompp <gmx grompp>`. .. |VCR| replace:: V\ :math:`^{(cr)}` .. |WCR| replace:: W\ :math:`^{(cr)}` .. |CRO| replace:: :math:`^{(cr)}` .. |TREF| replace:: :numref:`Table %s <tab-topfile2>` .. |AKJM| replace:: :math:`a~\mathrm{kJ~mol}^{-1}` .. |KJN6| replace:: :math:`\mathrm{kJ~mol}^{-1}~\mathrm{nm}^{-6}` .. |BNM| replace:: :math:`b~\mathrm{nm}^{-1}` .. |C6LJ| replace:: :math:`c_6` .. |STAR| replace:: :math:`^{(*)}` .. |NREX| replace:: :math:`n_{ex}^{(nrexcl)}` .. |QEMU| replace:: :math:`q` (e); :math:`m` (u) .. |MQM| replace:: :math:`q,m` .. _tab-topfile1: .. table:: The :ref:`topology <top>` file. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Parameters | +===================+===========================+=====+====+=========================================+=======+ | interaction type | directive | # | f. | parameters | F. E. | | | | at. | tp | | | +-------------------+---------------------------+-----+----+-----------------------------------------+-------+ | *mandatory* | ``defaults`` | non-bonded function type; | | | | combination rule\ |CRO|; | | | | generate pairs (no/yes); | | | | fudge LJ (); fudge QQ () | +-------------------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | *mandatory* | ``atomtypes`` | atom type; m (u); q (e); particle type; | | | | |VCR| ; |WCR| | +-------------------+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | | ``bondtypes`` | (see |TREF|, directive ``bonds``) | + + + + | | ``pairtypes`` | (see |TREF|, directive ``pairs``) | + + + + | | ``angletypes`` | (see |TREF|, directive ``angles``) | + + + + | | ``dihedraltypes``\ |STAR| | (see |TREF|, directive ``dihedrals``) | + + + + | | ``constrainttypes`` | (see |TREF|, directive ``constraints``) | +-------------------+---------------------------+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------+ | LJ | ``nonbond_params`` | 2 | 1 | |VCR| ; |WCR| | + + + + + + | Buckingham | ``nonbond_params`` | 2 | 2 | |AKJM| ; |BNM|; | | | | | | |C6LJ| (|KJN6|) | +-------------------+---------------------------+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------+ .. table:: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Molecule definition(s) | +===================+===========================+============================================================+ | *mandatory* | ``moleculetype`` | molecule name; |NREX| | +-------------------+---------------------------+-----+----------------------------------------------+-------+ | *mandatory* | ``atoms`` | 1 | atom type; residue number; | type | | | | | residue name; atom name; | | | | | | charge group number; |QEMU| | |MQM| | +-------------------+---------------------------+-----+----------------------------------------------+-------+ | intra-molecular interaction and geometry definitions as described in |TREF| | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. table:: +-------------+---------------+------------------------------------+ | System | | | +=============+===============+====================================+ | *mandatory* | ``system`` | system name | +-------------+---------------+------------------------------------+ | *mandatory* | ``molecules`` | molecule name; number of molecules | +-------------+---------------+------------------------------------+ .. table:: +------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | Inter-molecular interactions | | +==============================+====================================================+ | *optional* | ``intermolecular_interactions`` | +------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | one or more bonded interactions as described in |TREF|, with two or more atoms, | | no interactions that generate exclusions, no constraints, use global atom numbers | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. parsed-literal:: '\# at' is the required number of atom type indices for this directive 'f. tp' is the value used to select this function type 'F. E.' indicates which of the parameters can be interpolated in free energy calculations |CRO| the combination rule determines the type of LJ parameters, see |STAR| for ``dihedraltypes`` one can specify 4 atoms or the inner (outer for improper) 2 atoms |NREX| exclude neighbors :math:`n_{ex}` bonds away for non-bonded interactions For free energy calculations, type, :math:`q` and :math:`m` or no parameters should be added for topology 'B' (:math:`\lambda = 1`) on the same line, after the normal parameters. .. |BZERO| replace:: :math:`b_0` .. |KB| replace:: :math:`k_b` .. |KDR| replace:: :math:`k_{dr}` .. |NM2| replace:: (kJ mol\ :math:`^{-1}`\ nm\ :math:`^{-2}` .. |NM4| replace:: (kJ mol\ :math:`^{-1}`\ nm\ :math:`^{-4}` .. |DKJ| replace:: :math:`D` (kJ mol\ :math:`^{-1}` .. |BETA| replace:: :math:`\beta` (nm\ :math:`^{-1}` .. |C23| replace:: :math:`C_{i=2,3}` (kJ mol\ :math:`^{-1}\ nm\ :math:`^{-i}` .. |BMM| replace:: :math:`b_m` .. |GE0| replace:: :math:`\geq 0` .. |KO| replace:: :math:`k` .. |KJM| replace:: kJ mol\ :math:`^{-1}` .. |LUU| replace:: low, up\ :math:`_1`,\ :math:`_2` .. |MV| replace:: :math:`V` .. |MW| replace:: :math:`W` .. |QIJ| replace:: :math:`q_i`; :math:`q_j` .. |THE0| replace:: :math:`\theta_0` .. |KTHE| replace:: :math:`k_\theta` .. |KJR2| replace:: kJ mol\ :math:`^{-1}`\ rad\ :math:`^{-2}` .. |RN13| replace:: :math:`r_{13}` .. |KUB| replace:: :math:`k_{UB}` .. |C024| replace:: :math:`C_{i=0,1,2,3,4}` .. |KJRI| replace:: kJ mol\ :math:`^{-1}`\ rad\ :math:`^{-i}` .. |PHIS| replace:: :math:`\phi_s` .. |PHI0| replace:: :math:`\phi_0` .. |KPHI| replace:: :math:`k_\phi` .. |PHIK| replace:: :math:`\phi,k` .. |XI0| replace:: :math:`\xi_0` .. |KXI| replace:: :math:`k_\xi` .. |C0| replace:: :math:`C_0` .. |C1| replace:: :math:`C_1` .. |C2| replace:: :math:`C_2` .. |C3| replace:: :math:`C_3` .. |C4| replace:: :math:`C_4` .. |C5| replace:: :math:`C_5` .. |A0| replace:: :math:`a_0` .. |A1| replace:: :math:`a_1` .. |A2| replace:: :math:`a_2` .. |A3| replace:: :math:`a_3` .. |A4| replace:: :math:`a_4` .. |DOH| replace:: :math:d_{\mbox{\sc oh}}` .. |DHH| replace:: :math:d_{\mbox{\sc hh}}` .. |AO| replace:: :math:`a` .. |BO| replace:: :math:`b` .. |CO| replace:: :math:`c` .. |DO| replace:: :math:`d` .. |KX| replace:: :math:`k_{x}` .. |KY| replace:: :math:`k_{y}` .. |KZ| replace:: :math:`k_{z}` .. |GO| replace:: :math:`g` .. |RO| replace:: :math:`r` .. |DPHI| replace:: :math:`\Delta\phi` .. |DIHR| replace:: :math:`k_{\mathrm{dihr}}` .. |THET| replace:: :math:`\theta` .. |NM| replace:: nm\ :math:`^{-1}` .. |KC| replace:: :math:`k_c` .. |THEK| replace:: :math:`\theta,k` .. |R1E| replace:: :math:`r_{1e}` .. |R2E| replace:: :math:`r_{2e}` .. |R3E| replace:: :math:`r_{3e}` .. |KRR| replace:: :math:`k_{rr'}` .. |KRTH| replace:: :math:`k_{r\theta}` .. |ALPH| replace:: :math:`\alpha`; |CO| (U nm\ :math:`^{\alpha}` .. |UM1| replace:: U\ :math:`^{-1}` .. _tab-topfile2: .. table:: Details of ``[ moleculetype ]`` directives +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | Name of interaction | Topology file directive | num. | func. | Order of parameters and their units | use in | | | | atoms [1]_ | type [2]_ | | F.E.? [3]_ | +====================================+============================+============+===========+=========================================================================+============+ | bond | ``bonds`` [4]_, [5]_ | 2 | 1 | |BZERO| (nm); |KB| |NM2| | all | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | G96 bond | ``bonds`` [4]_, [5]_ | 2 | 2 | |BZERO| (nm); |KB| |NM4| | all | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | Morse | ``bonds`` [4]_, [5]_ | 2 | 3 | |BZERO| (nm); |DKJ|; |BETA| | all | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | cubic bond | ``bonds`` [4]_, [5]_ | 2 | 4 | |BZERO| (nm); |C23| | | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | connection | ``bonds`` [4]_ | 2 | 5 | | | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | harmonic potential | ``bonds`` | 2 | 6 | |BZERO| (nm); |KB| |NM2| | all | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | FENE bond | ``bonds`` [4]_ | 2 | 7 | |BMM| (nm); |KB| |NM2| | | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | tabulated bond | ``bonds`` [4]_ | 2 | 8 | table number (|GE0|); |KO| |KJM| | |KO| | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | tabulated bond [6]_ | ``bonds`` | 2 | 9 | table number (|GE0|); |KO| |KJM| | |KO| | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | restraint potential | ``bonds`` | 2 | 10 | |LUU| (nm); |KDR| (|NM2|) | all | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | extra LJ or Coulomb | ``pairs`` | 2 | 1 | |MV| [7]_; |MW| [7]_ | all | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | extra LJ or Coulomb | ``pairs`` | 2 | 2 | fudge QQ (); |QIJ| (e), |MV| [7]_; |MW| [7]_ | | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | extra LJ or Coulomb | ``pairs_nb`` | 2 | 1 | |QIJ| (e); |MV| [7]_; |MW| [7]_ | | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | angle | ``angles`` [5]_ | 3 | 1 | |THE0| (deg); |KTHE| (|KJR2|) | all | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | G96 angle | ``angles`` [5]_ | 3 | 2 | |THE0| (deg); |KTHE| (|KJM|) | all | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | cross bond-bond | ``angles`` | 3 | 3 | |R1E|, |R2E| (nm); |KRR| (|NM2|) | | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | cross bond-angle | ``angles`` | 3 | 4 | |R1E|, |R2E|, |R3E| (nm); |KRTH| (|NM2|) | | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | Urey-Bradley | ``angles`` [5]_ | 3 | 5 | |THE0| (deg); |KTHE| (|KJR2|); |RN13| (nm); |KUB| (|NM2|) | all | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | quartic angle | ``angles`` [5]_ | 3 | 6 | |THE0| (deg); |C024| (|KJRI|) | | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | tabulated angle | ``angles`` | 3 | 8 | table number (|GE0|); |KO| (|KJM|) | |KO| | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | | restricted | | | | | | | | bending potential | ``angles`` | 3 | 10 | |THE0| (deg); |KTHE| (|KJM|) | | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | proper dihedral | ``dihedrals`` | 4 | 1 | |PHIS| (deg); |KPHI| (|KJM|); multiplicity | |PHIK| | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | improper dihedral | ``dihedrals`` | 4 | 2 | |XI0| (deg); |KXI| (|KJR2|) | all | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | Ryckaert-Bellemans dihedral | ``dihedrals`` | 4 | 3 | |C0|, |C1|, |C2|, |C3|, |C4|, |C5| (|KJM|) | all | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | periodic improper dihedral | ``dihedrals`` | 4 | 4 | |PHIS| (deg); |KPHI| (|KJM|); multiplicity | |PHIK| | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | Fourier dihedral | ``dihedrals`` | 4 | 5 | |C1|, |C2|, |C3|, |C4|, |C5| (|KJM|) | all | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | tabulated dihedral | ``dihedrals`` | 4 | 8 | table number (|GE0|); |KO| (|KJM|) | |KO| | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | proper dihedral (multiple) | ``dihedrals`` | 4 | 9 | |PHIS| (deg); |KPHI| (|KJM|); multiplicity | |PHIK| | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | restricted dihedral | ``dihedrals`` | 4 | 10 | |PHI0| (deg); |KPHI| (|KJM|) | | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | combined bending-torsion potential | ``dihedrals`` | 4 | 11 | |A0|, |A1|, |A2|, |A3|, |A4| (|KJM|) | | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | exclusions | ``exclusions`` | 1 | | one or more atom indices | | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | constraint | ``constraints`` [4]_ | 2 | 1 | |BZERO| (nm) | all | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | constraint [6]_ | ``constraints`` | 2 | 2 | |BZERO| (nm) | all | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | SETTLE | ``settles`` | 1 | 1 | |DOH|, |DHH| (nm) | | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | 2-body virtual site | ``virtual_sites2`` | 3 | 1 | |AO| () | | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | 2-body virtual site (fd) | ``virtual_sites2`` | 3 | 2 | |DO| (nm) | | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | 3-body virtual site | ``virtual_sites3`` | 4 | 1 | |AO|, |BO| () | | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | 3-body virtual site (fd) | ``virtual_sites3`` | 4 | 2 | |AO| (); |DO| (nm) | | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | 3-body virtual site (fad) | ``virtual_sites3`` | 4 | 3 | |THET| (deg); |DO| (nm) | | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | 3-body virtual site (out) | ``virtual_sites3`` | 4 | 4 | |AO|, |BO| (); |CO| (|NM|) | | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | 4-body virtual site (fdn) | ``virtual_sites4`` | 5 | 2 | |AO|, |BO| (); |CO| (nm) | | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | N-body virtual site (COG) | ``virtual_sitesn`` | 1 | 1 | one or more constructing atom indices | | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | N-body virtual site (COM) | ``virtual_sitesn`` | 1 | 2 | one or more constructing atom indices | | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | N-body virtual site (COW) | ``virtual_sitesn`` | 1 | 3 | | one or more pairs consisting of | | | | | | | | constructing atom index and weight | | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | position restraint | ``position_restraints`` | 1 | 1 | |KX|, |KY|, |KZ| (|NM2|) | all | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | flat-bottomed position restraint | ``position_restraints`` | 1 | 2 | |GO|, |RO| (nm), |KO| (|NM2|) | | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | distance restraint | ``distance_restraints`` | 2 | 1 | type; label; |LUU| (nm); weight () | | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | dihedral restraint | ``dihedral_restraints`` | 4 | 1 | |PHI0| (deg); |DPHI| (deg); |DIHR| (|KJR2|) | all | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | orientation restraint | ``orientation_restraints`` | 2 | 1 | exp.; label; |ALPH|; obs. (U); weight (|UM1|) | | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | angle restraint | ``angle_restraints`` | 4 | 1 | |THE0| (deg); |KC| (|KJM|); multiplicity | |THEK| | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ | angle restraint (z) | ``angle_restraints_z`` | 2 | 1 | |THE0| (deg); |KC| (|KJM|); multiplicity | |THEK| | +------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+ .. [1] The required number of atom indices for this directive .. [2] The index to use to select this function type .. [3] Indicates which of the parameters can be interpolated in free energy calculations .. [4] This interaction type will be used by :ref:`grompp <gmx grompp>` for generating exclusions .. [5] This interaction type can be converted to constraints by :ref:`grompp <gmx grompp>` .. [7] The combination rule determines the type of LJ parameters, see .. [6] No connection, and so no exclusions, are generated for this interaction Description of the file layout: - Semicolon (;) and newline characters surround comments - On a line ending with :math:`\backslash` the newline character is ignored. - Directives are surrounded by ``[`` and ``]`` - The topology hierarchy (which must be followed) consists of three levels: - the parameter level, which defines certain force-field specifications (see :numref:`Table %s <tab-topfile1>`) - the molecule level, which should contain one or more molecule definitions (see :numref:`Table %s <tab-topfile2>`) - the system level, containing only system-specific information (``[ system ]`` and ``[ molecules ]``) - Items should be separated by spaces or tabs, not commas - Atoms in molecules should be numbered consecutively starting at 1 - Atoms in the same charge group must be listed consecutively - The file is parsed only once, which implies that no forward references can be treated: items must be defined before they can be used - Exclusions can be generated from the bonds or overridden manually - The bonded force types can be generated from the atom types or overridden per bond - It is possible to apply multiple bonded interactions of the same type on the same atoms - Descriptive comment lines and empty lines are highly recommended - Starting with |Gromacs| version 3.1.3, all directives at the parameter level can be used multiple times and there are no restrictions on the order, except that an atom type needs to be defined before it can be used in other parameter definitions - If parameters for a certain interaction are defined multiple times for the same combination of atom types the last definition is used; starting with |Gromacs| version 3.1.3 :ref:`grompp <gmx grompp>` generates a warning for parameter redefinitions with different values - Using one of the ``[ atoms ]``, ``[ bonds ]``, ``[ pairs ]``, ``[ angles ]``, etc. without having used ``[ moleculetype ]`` before is meaningless and generates a warning - Using ``[ molecules ]`` without having used ``[ system ]`` before is meaningless and generates a warning. - After ``[ system ]`` the only allowed directive is ``[ molecules ]`` - Using an unknown string in ``[ ]`` causes all the data until the next directive to be ignored and generates a warning Here is an example of a topology file, ````: :: ; ; Example topology file ; ; The force-field files to be included #include "amber99.ff/forcefield.itp" [ moleculetype ] ; name nrexcl Urea 3 [ atoms ] 1 C 1 URE C 1 0.880229 12.01000 ; amber C type 2 O 1 URE O 2 -0.613359 16.00000 ; amber O type 3 N 1 URE N1 3 -0.923545 14.01000 ; amber N type 4 H 1 URE H11 4 0.395055 1.00800 ; amber H type 5 H 1 URE H12 5 0.395055 1.00800 ; amber H type 6 N 1 URE N2 6 -0.923545 14.01000 ; amber N type 7 H 1 URE H21 7 0.395055 1.00800 ; amber H type 8 H 1 URE H22 8 0.395055 1.00800 ; amber H type [ bonds ] 1 2 1 3 1 6 3 4 3 5 6 7 6 8 [ dihedrals ] ; ai aj ak al funct definition 2 1 3 4 9 2 1 3 5 9 2 1 6 7 9 2 1 6 8 9 3 1 6 7 9 3 1 6 8 9 6 1 3 4 9 6 1 3 5 9 [ dihedrals ] 3 6 1 2 4 1 4 3 5 4 1 7 6 8 4 [ position_restraints ] ; you wouldn't normally use this for a molecule like Urea, ; but we include it here for didactic purposes ; ai funct fc 1 1 1000 1000 1000 ; Restrain to a point 2 1 1000 0 1000 ; Restrain to a line (Y-axis) 3 1 1000 0 0 ; Restrain to a plane (Y-Z-plane) [ dihedral_restraints ] ; ai aj ak al type phi dphi fc 3 6 1 2 1 180 0 10 1 4 3 5 1 180 0 10 ; Include TIP3P water topology #include "amber99/tip3p.itp" [ system ] Urea in Water [ molecules ] ;molecule name nr. Urea 1 SOL 1000 Here follows the explanatory text. **#include “amber99.ff/forcefield.itp†:** this includes the information for the force field you are using, including bonded and non-bonded parameters. This example uses the AMBER99 force field, but your simulation may use a different force field. :ref:`grompp <gmx grompp>` will automatically go and find this file and copy-and-paste its content. That content can be seen in ``share/top/amber99.ff/forcefield.itp}``, and it is :: #define _FF_AMBER #define _FF_AMBER99 [ defaults ] ; nbfunc comb-rule gen-pairs fudgeLJ fudgeQQ 1 2 yes 0.5 0.8333 #include "ffnonbonded.itp" #include "ffbonded.itp" The two ``#define`` statements set up the conditions so that future parts of the topology can know that the AMBER 99 force field is in use. **[ defaults ] :** - ``nbfunc`` is the non-bonded function type. Use 1 (Lennard-Jones) or 2 (Buckingham) - ``comb-rule`` is the number of the combination rule (see :ref:`nbpar`). - ``gen-pairs`` is for pair generation. The default is ‘no’, *i.e.* get 1-4 parameters from the pairtypes list. When parameters are not present in the list, stop with a fatal error. Setting ‘yes’ generates 1-4 parameters that are not present in the pair list from normal Lennard-Jones parameters using ``fudgeLJ`` - ``fudgeLJ`` is the factor by which to multiply Lennard-Jones 1-4 interactions, default 1 - ``fudgeQQ`` is the factor by which to multiply electrostatic 1-4 interactions, default 1 - :math:`N` is the power for the repulsion term in a 6-\ :math:`N` potential (with nonbonded-type Lennard-Jones only), starting with |Gromacs| version 4.5, :ref:`grompp <gmx mdrun>` also reads and applies :math:`N`, for values not equal to 12 tabulated interaction functions are used (in older version you would have to use user tabulated interactions). **Note** that ``gen-pairs``, ``fudgeLJ``, ``fudgeQQ``, and :math:`N` are optional. ``fudgeLJ`` is only used when generate pairs is set to ‘yes’, and ``fudgeQQ`` is always used. However, if you want to specify :math:`N` you need to give a value for the other parameters as well. Then some other ``#include`` statements add in the large amount of data needed to describe the rest of the force field. We will skip these and return to ````. There we will see **[ moleculetype ] :** defines the name of your molecule in this :ref:`top` and nrexcl = 3 stands for excluding non-bonded interactions between atoms that are no further than 3 bonds away. **[ atoms ] :** defines the molecule, where ``nr`` and ``type`` are fixed, the rest is user defined. So ``atom`` can be named as you like, ``cgnr`` made larger or smaller (if possible, the total charge of a charge group should be zero), and charges can be changed here too. **[ bonds ] :** no comment. **[ pairs ] :** LJ and Coulomb 1-4 interactions **[ angles ] :** no comment **[ dihedrals ] :** in this case there are 9 proper dihedrals (funct = 1), 3 improper (funct = 4) and no Ryckaert-Bellemans type dihedrals. If you want to include Ryckaert-Bellemans type dihedrals in a topology, do the following (in case of *e.g.* decane): :: [ dihedrals ] ; ai aj ak al funct c0 c1 c2 1 2 3 4 3 2 3 4 5 3 In the original implementation of the potential for alkanes \ :ref:`131 <refRyckaert78>` no 1-4 interactions were used, which means that in order to implement that particular force field you need to remove the 1-4 interactions from the ``[ pairs ]`` section of your topology. In most modern force fields, like OPLS/AA or Amber the rules are different, and the Ryckaert-Bellemans potential is used as a cosine series in combination with 1-4 interactions. **[ position_restraints ] :** harmonically restrain the selected particles to reference positions (:ref:`positionrestraint`). The reference positions are read from a separate coordinate file by :ref:`grompp <gmx grompp>`. **[ dihedral_restraints ] :** restrain selected dihedrals to a reference value. The implementation of dihedral restraints is described in section :ref:`dihedralrestraint` of the manual. The parameters specified in the ``[dihedral_restraints]`` directive are as follows: - ``type`` has only one possible value which is 1 - ``phi`` is the value of :math:`\phi_0` in :eq:`eqn. %s <eqndphi>` and :eq:`eqn. %s <eqndihre>` of the manual. - ``dphi`` is the value of :math:`\Delta\phi` in :eq:`eqn. %s <eqndihre>` of the manual. - ``fc`` is the force constant :math:`k_{dihr}` in :eq:`eqn. %s <eqndihre>` of the manual. **#include “tip3p.itp†:** includes a topology file that was already constructed (see section :ref:`molitp`). **[ system ] :** title of your system, user-defined **[ molecules ] :** this defines the total number of (sub)molecules in your system that are defined in this :ref:`top`. In this example file, it stands for 1 urea molecule dissolved in 1000 water molecules. The molecule type ``SOL`` is defined in the ``tip3p.itp`` file. Each name here must correspond to a name given with ``[ moleculetype ]`` earlier in the topology. The order of the blocks of molecule types and the numbers of such molecules must match the coordinate file that accompanies the topology when supplied to :ref:`grompp <gmx grompp>`. The blocks of molecules do not need to be contiguous, but some tools (e.g. :ref:`genion <gmx genion>`) may act only on the first or last such block of a particular molecule type. Also, these blocks have nothing to do with the definition of groups (see sec. :ref:`groupconcept` and sec. :ref:`usinggroups`). .. _molitp: Molecule.itp file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you construct a topology file you will use frequently (like the water molecule, ``tip3p.itp``, which is already constructed for you) it is good to make a ``molecule.itp`` file. This only lists the information of one particular molecule and allows you to re-use the ``[ moleculetype ]`` in multiple systems without re-invoking :ref:`pdb2gmx <gmx pdb2gmx>` or manually copying and pasting. An example ``urea.itp`` follows: :: [ moleculetype ] ; molname nrexcl URE 3 [ atoms ] 1 C 1 URE C 1 0.880229 12.01000 ; amber C type ... 8 H 1 URE H22 8 0.395055 1.00800 ; amber H type [ bonds ] 1 2 ... 6 8 [ dihedrals ] ; ai aj ak al funct definition 2 1 3 4 9 ... 6 1 3 5 9 [ dihedrals ] 3 6 1 2 4 1 4 3 5 4 1 7 6 8 4 Using :ref:`itp` files results in a very short :ref:`top` file: :: ; ; Example topology file ; ; The force field files to be included #include "amber99.ff/forcefield.itp" #include "urea.itp" ; Include TIP3P water topology #include "amber99/tip3p.itp" [ system ] Urea in Water [ molecules ] ;molecule name nr. Urea 1 SOL 1000 Ifdef statements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A very powerful feature in |Gromacs| is the use of ``#ifdef`` statements in your :ref:`top` file. By making use of this statement, and associated ``#define`` statements like were seen in ``amber99.ff/forcefield.itp`` earlier, different parameters for one molecule can be used in the same :ref:`top` file. An example is given for TFE, where there is an option to use different charges on the atoms: charges derived by De Loof et al. :ref:`132 <refLoof92>` or by Van Buuren and Berendsen \ :ref:`133 <refBuuren93a>`. In fact, you can use much of the functionality of the C preprocessor, ``cpp``, because :ref:`grompp <gmx grompp>` contains similar pre-processing functions to scan the file. The way to make use of the ``#ifdef`` option is as follows: - either use the option ``define = -DDeLoof`` in the :ref:`mdp` file (containing :ref:`grompp <gmx grompp>` input parameters), or use the line ``#define DeLoof`` early in your :ref:`top` or :ref:`itp` file; and - put the ``#ifdef`` statements in your :ref:`top`, as shown below: :: ... [ atoms ] ; nr type resnr residu atom cgnr charge mass #ifdef DeLoof ; Use Charges from DeLoof 1 C 1 TFE C 1 0.74 2 F 1 TFE F 1 -0.25 3 F 1 TFE F 1 -0.25 4 F 1 TFE F 1 -0.25 5 CH2 1 TFE CH2 1 0.25 6 OA 1 TFE OA 1 -0.65 7 HO 1 TFE HO 1 0.41 #else ; Use Charges from VanBuuren 1 C 1 TFE C 1 0.59 2 F 1 TFE F 1 -0.2 3 F 1 TFE F 1 -0.2 4 F 1 TFE F 1 -0.2 5 CH2 1 TFE CH2 1 0.26 6 OA 1 TFE OA 1 -0.55 7 HO 1 TFE HO 1 0.3 #endif [ bonds ] ; ai aj funct c0 c1 6 7 1 1.000000e-01 3.138000e+05 1 2 1 1.360000e-01 4.184000e+05 1 3 1 1.360000e-01 4.184000e+05 1 4 1 1.360000e-01 4.184000e+05 1 5 1 1.530000e-01 3.347000e+05 5 6 1 1.430000e-01 3.347000e+05 ... This mechanism is used by :ref:`pdb2gmx <gmx pdb2gmx>` to implement optional position restraints (:ref:`positionrestraint`) by ``#include``-ing an :ref:`itp` file whose contents will be meaningful only if a particular ``#define`` is set (and spelled correctly!) Topologies for free energy calculations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free energy differences between two systems, A and B, can be calculated as described in sec. :ref:`fecalc`. Systems A and B are described by topologies consisting of the same number of molecules with the same number of atoms. Masses and non-bonded interactions can be perturbed by adding B parameters under the ``[ atoms ]`` directive. Bonded interactions can be perturbed by adding B parameters to the bonded types or the bonded interactions. The parameters that can be perturbed are listed in :numref:`Tables %s <tab-topfile1>` and :numref:`%s <tab-topfile2>`. The :math:`\lambda`-dependence of the interactions is described in section sec. :ref:`feia`. The bonded parameters that are used (on the line of the bonded interaction definition, or the ones looked up on atom types in the bonded type lists) is explained in :numref:`Table %s <tab-topfe>`. In most cases, things should work intuitively. When the A and B atom types in a bonded interaction are not all identical and parameters are not present for the B-state, either on the line or in the bonded types, :ref:`grompp <gmx grompp>` uses the A-state parameters and issues a warning. For free energy calculations, all or no parameters for topology B (:math:`\lambda = 1`) should be added on the same line, after the normal parameters, in the same order as the normal parameters. From |Gromacs| 4.6 onward, if :math:`\lambda` is treated as a vector, then the ``bonded-lambdas`` component controls all bonded terms that are not explicitly labeled as restraints. Restrain terms are controlled by the ``restraint-lambdas`` component. .. |NOT| replace:: :math:`-` .. _tab-topfe: .. table:: The bonded parameters that are used for free energy topologies, on the line of the bonded interaction definition or looked up in the bond types section based on atom types. A and B indicate the parameters used for state A and B respectively, + and |NOT| indicate the (non-)presence of parameters in the topology, x indicates that the presence has no influence. +--------------------+---------------+---------------------------------+---------+ | B-state atom types | parameters | parameters in bonded types | | + + +-----------------+---------------+ + | all identical to | on line | A atom types | B atom types | message | + +-------+-------+-------+---------+-------+-------+ + | A-state atom types | A | B | A | B | A | B | | +====================+=======+=======+=======+=========+=======+=======+=========+ | | +AB | |NOT| | x | x | | | | | | +A | +B | x | x | | | | | yes | |NOT| | |NOT| | |NOT| | |NOT| | | | error | | | |NOT| | |NOT| | +AB | |NOT| | | | | | | |NOT| | |NOT| | +A | +B | | | | +--------------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+-------+-------+---------+ | | +AB | |NOT| | x | x | x | x | warning | | | +A | +B | x | x | x | x | | | | |NOT| | |NOT| | |NOT| | |NOT| | x | x | error | | no | |NOT| | |NOT| | +AB | |NOT| | |NOT| | |NOT| | warning | | | |NOT| | |NOT| | +A | +B | |NOT| | |NOT| | warning | | | |NOT| | |NOT| | +A | x | +B | |NOT| | | | | |NOT| | |NOT| | +A | x | + | +B | | +--------------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+-------+-------+---------+ Below is an example of a topology which changes from 200 propanols to 200 pentanes using the GROMOS-96 force field. :: ; Include force field parameters #include "gromos43a1.ff/forcefield.itp" [ moleculetype ] ; Name nrexcl PropPent 3 [ atoms ] ; nr type resnr residue atom cgnr charge mass typeB chargeB massB 1 H 1 PROP PH 1 0.398 1.008 CH3 0.0 15.035 2 OA 1 PROP PO 1 -0.548 15.9994 CH2 0.0 14.027 3 CH2 1 PROP PC1 1 0.150 14.027 CH2 0.0 14.027 4 CH2 1 PROP PC2 2 0.000 14.027 5 CH3 1 PROP PC3 2 0.000 15.035 [ bonds ] ; ai aj funct par_A par_B 1 2 2 gb_1 gb_26 2 3 2 gb_17 gb_26 3 4 2 gb_26 gb_26 4 5 2 gb_26 [ pairs ] ; ai aj funct 1 4 1 2 5 1 [ angles ] ; ai aj ak funct par_A par_B 1 2 3 2 ga_11 ga_14 2 3 4 2 ga_14 ga_14 3 4 5 2 ga_14 ga_14 [ dihedrals ] ; ai aj ak al funct par_A par_B 1 2 3 4 1 gd_12 gd_17 2 3 4 5 1 gd_17 gd_17 [ system ] ; Name Propanol to Pentane [ molecules ] ; Compound #mols PropPent 200 Atoms that are not perturbed, ``PC2`` and ``PC3``, do not need B-state parameter specifications, since the B parameters will be copied from the A parameters. Bonded interactions between atoms that are not perturbed do not need B parameter specifications, as is the case for the last bond in the example topology. Topologies using the OPLS/AA force field need no bonded parameters at all, since both the A and B parameters are determined by the atom types. Non-bonded interactions involving one or two perturbed atoms use the free-energy perturbation functional forms. Non-bonded interactions between two non-perturbed atoms use the normal functional forms. This means that when, for instance, only the charge of a particle is perturbed, its Lennard-Jones interactions will also be affected when lambda is not equal to zero or one. **Note** that this topology uses the GROMOS-96 force field, in which the bonded interactions are not determined by the atom types. The bonded interaction strings are converted by the C-preprocessor. The force-field parameter files contain lines like: :: #define gb_26 0.1530 7.1500e+06 #define gd_17 0.000 5.86 3 .. _constraintforce: Constraint forces ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | The constraint force between two atoms in one molecule can be calculated with the free energy perturbation code by adding a constraint between the two atoms, with a different length in the A and B topology. When the B length is 1 nm longer than the A length and lambda is kept constant at zero, the derivative of the Hamiltonian with respect to lambda is the constraint force. For constraints between molecules, the pull code can be used, see sec. :ref:`pull`. Below is an example for calculating the constraint force at 0.7 nm between two methanes in water, by combining the two methanes into one “molecule.†**Note** that the definition of a “molecule†in |Gromacs| does not necessarily correspond to the chemical definition of a molecule. In |Gromacs|, a “molecule†can be defined as any group of atoms that one wishes to consider simultaneously. The added constraint is of function type 2, which means that it is not used for generating exclusions (see sec. :ref:`excl`). Note that the constraint free energy term is included in the derivative term, and is specifically included in the ``bonded-lambdas`` component. However, the free energy for changing constraints is *not* included in the potential energy differences used for BAR and MBAR, as this requires reevaluating the energy at each of the constraint components. This functionality is planned for later versions. :: ; Include force-field parameters #include "gromos43a1.ff/forcefield.itp" [ moleculetype ] ; Name nrexcl Methanes 1 [ atoms ] ; nr type resnr residu atom cgnr charge mass 1 CH4 1 CH4 C1 1 0 16.043 2 CH4 1 CH4 C2 2 0 16.043 [ constraints ] ; ai aj funct length_A length_B 1 2 2 0.7 1.7 #include "gromos43a1.ff/spc.itp" [ system ] ; Name Methanes in Water [ molecules ] ; Compound #mols Methanes 1 SOL 2002 Coordinate file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Files with the :ref:`gro` file extension contain a molecular structure in GROMOS-87 format. A sample piece is included below: :: MD of 2 waters, reformat step, PA aug-91 6 1WATER OW1 1 0.126 1.624 1.679 0.1227 -0.0580 0.0434 1WATER HW2 2 0.190 1.661 1.747 0.8085 0.3191 -0.7791 1WATER HW3 3 0.177 1.568 1.613 -0.9045 -2.6469 1.3180 2WATER OW1 4 1.275 0.053 0.622 0.2519 0.3140 -0.1734 2WATER HW2 5 1.337 0.002 0.680 -1.0641 -1.1349 0.0257 2WATER HW3 6 1.326 0.120 0.568 1.9427 -0.8216 -0.0244 1.82060 1.82060 1.82060 This format is fixed, *i.e.* all columns are in a fixed position. If you want to read such a file in your own program without using the |Gromacs| libraries you can use the following formats: **C-format:** ``“%5i%5s%5s%5i%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%8.4f%8.4f%8.4fâ€`` Or to be more precise, with title *etc.* it looks like this: :: "%s\n", Title "%5d\n", natoms for (i=0; (i<natoms); i++) { "%5d%-5s%5s%5d%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%8.4f%8.4f%8.4f\n", residuenr,residuename,atomname,atomnr,x,y,z,vx,vy,vz } "%10.5f%10.5f%10.5f%10.5f%10.5f%10.5f%10.5f%10.5f%10.5f\n", box[X][X],box[Y][Y],box[Z][Z], box[X][Y],box[X][Z],box[Y][X],box[Y][Z],box[Z][X],box[Z][Y] **Fortran format:** ``(i5,2a5,i5,3f8.3,3f8.4)`` So ``confin.gro`` is the |Gromacs| coordinate file and is almost the same as the GROMOS-87 file (for GROMOS users: when used with ``ntx=7``). The only difference is the box for which |Gromacs| uses a tensor, not a vector.