Release notes¶
These release notes record the changes made in all major and patch releases of GROMACS. Major releases contain changes to the functionality supported, whereas patch releases contain only fixes for issues identified in the corresponding major releases.
Two version series of GROMACS are under active maintenance and within support lifetime at any time. In 2026, they are the 2026 series and the 2025 series. In the latter, only highly conservative fixes will be made, and only to address issues that affect scientific correctness. Naturally, some of those releases will be made after the year 2025 ends, but we keep the year of the original release in the version name so that users understand how up to date their version is. Such fixes will also be incorporated into the more recent release series, as appropriate. Around the time the 2027 release is made, the 2025 series will no longer be maintained.
Where issue numbers are reported in these release notes, more details can be found on the issue tracker at that issue number.